March wafer sales soar

GlobalWafers had March sales up 18% m-o-m to reach a six month high of $166 million. Q1 wafer revenues were down 13.3% y-o-y to $448.7 million which was flat with Q4. Wafer Works’ March revenues increased about 13% m-o-m to $20.7 million. Q1 revenues were $$57.6 million which was up 1.2% q-o-q. Traditionally H2 is ...

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Wooden block toy teaches coding, without screens – reading ability not required

Cody Block is a “screen-free wooden toy that helps children three to nine learn the basics of computer programming through play”, according to a Zurich company called Qubs Toys which has just launched the idea on Kickstarter. It is centred around a small motorised wooden car which drives along until it meets one of the 16 ...

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Covid-19 technology funding application deadline approaches

Businesses have until midday on 17 April to apply for grants for Innovate UK funding of up to £50,000 to cover the cost of projects that develop or use technology during this Covid-19 pandemic. Technology can be used to meet the new way of working, whether that is re-engineering working practices, detecting surges in consumer ...

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GaN power transistor reliability report reveals detail, free

GaN power transistor make EPC has released a detailed reliability report on its devices, providing it free. It is the ‘Phase eleven reliability report’. “Testing devices to the point of failure creates an understanding of the amount of margin between data sheet limits and products in application,” according to EPC. Intrinsic failure mechanisms of devices ...

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Light-emitting SiGe alloys developed

Researchers from the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed light-emitting, silicon-germanium alloys. As a result, the development of a silicon laser capable of integration into today’s chips is within reach for the first time. Researchers have tried to build silicon or germanium-based lasers,  but silicon normally crystallizes ...

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Mixed memories

Combined DRAM and NAND revenue was higher in Q4 2019 with revenue increasing $0.7 billion to $27.5 billion, says Yole Developpement. Revenue for Q4-19 rose 2.5% compared to Q3 2019 and decreased 23.4% compared to Q4 2018. Demand in Q4-19 was robust due to seasonality and recovering datacentre demand. Supply growth was somewhat constrained due ...

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Gate-driver IC with TDI

Each time a power MOSFET is turned on or off in a SMPS, parasitic inductances produce ground-shifts that may cause false triggering of the gate-driver IC. Infineon has added a device to its EiceDRIVER 1EDN TDI (truly differential inputs) 1-channel gate-driver family to prevent such consequences. The device (1EDN7550U) is housed in a 1.5 mm x ...

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4 channel linear LED driver for motorcycle automotive

Rohm has announced a pair of four-channel automotive LED driver, optimising them for the rear light cluster of motorcycles. “In the Asian region, where 2-wheeled vehicles are the main means of transportation for many, a number of vehicle manufacturers are demanding simpler circuit configurations for driving standard rear and license plate lamps,” according to Rohm. “However, ...

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A letter from the Editor of Electronics Weekly

The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has presented us all with practical challenges. Electronics Weekly has taken the decision to suspend printing of the magazine, for a finite period that will most likely coincide with the duration of the current ’lockdown’. For the next four issues the magazine will be distributed as a digital replica, which will ...

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