Efficient synchronous step-down switching regulator

The LT8607 is a 750mA, 42V input synchronous step-down switching regulator. LTC’s synchronous rectification topology delivers 93% efficiency while switching at 2MHz, enabling designers to avoid critical noise-sensitive frequency bands, such as AM radio while using a very compact solution footprint. Burst Mode operation keeps quiescent current under 3µA in no-load standby conditions, ideal for ...

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Updated: ADI hits 500W with switched capacitor power converter

Analogue Devices has managed to create a 500W switched-capacitor power chip for fixed ratio power conversion at up to 72V and 99% efficiency. Power density up to 4,000W/in3 is claimed. The main application foreseen for the chip, the LTC7820, is 48V non-isolated dc bus conversion, although it is capable of up, down and inverting conversion at ...

This story continues at Updated: ADI hits 500W with switched capacitor power converter

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