Author Archives: EW Staff

What Elektra judges want

For 17 years the Elektra Awards has celebrated the innovation, skills and sheer verve of the electronics industry. Here’s how to be part of it. Make sure you are a part of the industry’s glittering gala evening and enter one or more categories for a chance to be recognised by the influencers and leaders of ...

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Ad astra in retro

Millions witnessed the moon landing in July 1969. Caroline Hayes looks at space technology then and in the 21st century. Six years after he opened the Labour Party conference with his rousing “white heat of technology” speech, Harold Wilson was prime minister of the UK and Neil Armstrong and Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin walked on the ...

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Will supercapacitors supersede batteries?

Following Elon Musk’s speech at Cleantech Forum 2011, there has been a lot of interest in supercapacitors and for sure the potential offered by nanotechnologies is keeping high hopes that at some point in the future, supercapacitors might reach a point where they equal the performance of batteries. As can be seen in the chart ...

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Everybody’s talking about voice control

Human interaction with technology through voice control is more convenient than touchscreens but difficult to achieve – until now, says Cliff Ortmeyer. For almost as long as computers have existed, engineers have worked to develop better ways for humans to interact with technology. Until the most recent iterations of the touchscreen, most interfaces between humans ...

This story continues at Everybody’s talking about voice control

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