UltraSoC links with Europractice

UltraSoC has announced a partnership with Europractice, to bring UltraSoC debug and trace IP for open source RISC-V development to a wider community and to make the company’s IP more readily and freely available for academic ASIC development. This move furthers UltraSoC’s growing support for education, particularly via the rapidly growing RISC-V open source architecture, which ...

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UPS market on a roll

Following growth of 6.1% to reach $8.2 billion in 2018, the global market for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) hardware is set to expand to more than $10 billion by 2023, according to IHS Markit. Cloud and colocation service providers deployed UPS at the fastest rates in 2018, growing near double digits relative to 2017. Enterprise ...

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RS Components launches the Engineering Edge podcast series

Prof. Lucy Rogers PhD will host the Engineering Edge, a podcast created by RS Components which promises to interview engineers “from the primal to the professional” and find out how they use technology to make things better. The former BBC Robot Wars judge and co-presenter of DesignSpark’s History Makers and the DesignSpark podcast is going ...

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Segger adds Wi-Fi debug probe with USB interfaces to J-Link family

Segger has launched J-Link Wi-Fi, an addition to its family of debug probes. Owing to its USB and Wi-Fi interfaces, the variation can be used by any software that’s compatible with the original product family. Removing the physical connection between the debug probe and the host opens up applications in robots, vehicles, drones, or other ...

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UKESF promotes electronics at school with Electronics Everywhere project

UKESF and the University of Southampton have collaborated on a project to promote electronics at school level called Electronics Everywhere. “Companies can make a real difference” by supporting the project, UKESF says. The organisation is investing in schools by providing its Electronics Everywhere resources to schools across the UK. The program is designed to demonstrate ...

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Instabilities in GaAs surfaces discovered

Scientists from Cardiff University have spotted previously unseen “instabilities” on the surface of  GaAs ICs. The new findings, have revealed how the surface of  GaAs devices  is not as stable as previously thought. Cardiff University’s School of Physics and Astronomy and the Institute for Compound Semiconductors, have identified small pockets of instability in the atomic structure of ...

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US pressures TSMC not to fab Huawei ICs.

Washington is leaning on Taipei to instruct TSMC to stop fabbing Huawei’s ICs, reports the FT. Sales to China  represent about 20% of TSMC’s total sales and it is thought that about half of that 20% is accounted for by sales to Huawei. Under the current China-sceptic administration in Taiwan, it is thought thst little ...

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Germany plans 1m EV charging points by 2030

Germany should install a million EV charging points by 2030, says Chancellor Angela Merkel. Today the Chancellor is meeting the German car industry to work out how the country can move faster to EVs. “For this purpose, we want to create a million charging points by the year 2030 and the industry will have to ...

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