Small vector network analyser works up to 62MHz

Red Pitaya has launched a vector network analyser (VNA) extension for its credit-card-sized plug-in STEMlab data acquisition hardware, which works with a host PC running Windows or Linux. It covers 500kHz to 62MHz, has a typical directivity of 42dB, a dynamic range of 74dB and a noise floor at 88dBm. Features of its companion software ...

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Graphene finds a use in golf balls

Graphene has found a new application – golf balls. Sports goods supplier Callaway starts selling graphene infused balls today. They cost £38 per dozen. A graphene infused outer skin of the ball can be made thinner than the skin of a conventional golf ball  which allows for a larger core which increases the speed at ...

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Siemens buys Sarokal

Siemens is to buy Sarokal Test Systems which sells cellular testing products to chipset vendors, fronthaul equipment manufacturers, and network operators. “The planned acquisition of Sarokal reinforces our ongoing commitment to EDA and the IC industry,” says Tony Hemmelgarn, president and CEO of Siemens PLM Software. “building on our acquisition of Mentor Graphics, we continue ...

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Toshiba’s new boss sees job as a ‘calling’

Toshiba’s new boss Nobuaki Kurumatani sees his job as more than just managerial, for him it’s a calling. “I’m seeing this as a calling that I have been picked to be in charge of this crucial task of rebuilding Toshiba, which is considered as one of Japan’s precious assets,” says Kurumatani. “I’m going to dedicate ...

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Apple takes 51% of Q4 smartphone revenues.

Apple took 51% of worldwide smartphone revenues in Q4, says Strategy Analytics. Q4 smartphone revenues hit an all-time high of $120 billion, growing  8% y-o-y during Q4. ASP increased 18% y-o-y from $255 in Q4 2016 to $300 in Q4 2017. iPhone Q4 revenues were $61 billion – three times more than nearest rival Samsung and ...

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5G comms prototype at 2018 Winter Olympics

A 5G network will be demonstrated in Gangneung, one of the city’s hosting the winter Olympics, to coincide with the games. 5G beam-emitting transmitter array antenna at Leti Running from 20 to 22 February, the 5GChampion consortium has arranged for games visitors to experience the network while riding a special bus between event venues. “Wearing ...

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Cobham Wireless idDAS now supports C-RAN and vRAN

Cobham Wireless has today announced the next stage in the development of its idDAS (intelligent digital Distributed Antenna System), which is interoperable with vRAN (virtualised radio access networks) capabilities, providing an end-to-end, high-capacity, cost-effective coverage solution.  Cobham Wireless is now ready to support both C-RAN and vRAN architectures. This vRAN approach replaces baseband units (BBUs) with ...

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ISSCC: Analogue boost for AI robot processor

Georgia Institute of Technology has used analogue processing to squeeze a 3.12Top/W (average) artificial intelligence processor onto a CMOS (55nm) chip, consuming only 690μW (1.2V), and aimed at self-teaching micro-robots that need to learn about their immediate environments. The processor is an accelerator for ‘reinforcement learning’ – a behaviourist psychology-inspired learning algorithm that mimics the ...

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Fujitsu to sell e-peas energy harvesters

Fujitsu Electronics Europe (FEEU) is expanding its ultra-low-power linecard portfolio to include products from the Belgian manufacturer e-peas. e-peas has developed energy-harvesting solutions which support a wide range of energy sources such as photovoltaic, thermal, vibration or RF. With the new partnership, FEEU seeks to strategically extend its portfolio and to create new synergies between ...

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