Turing letters found

148 letters and documents belonging to Alan Turing have been found at Manchester University. They are dated between 1949 and 1954 – the year he died. Here is an amusing correspondence with the editor of the magazine CHESS:   In view of the rather caustic comment from the editor asking Turing “what you really claim for ...

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People unhappy about driverless cars

The majority of people (66%) would be uncomfortable travelling in a driverless car at 70mph, says the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. According to the findings, younger people tend to be more accepting of the technology ― with 45% of 25-36 year olds saying they would be comfortable in a 70mph driverless car, compared to just ...

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Finland university replaces graphite anodes with silicon in Li-ion batteries

Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland have replaced graphite with silicon in anodes for Li-ion batteries. The researchers analysed the suitability of electrochemically produced nanoporous silicon for Li-ion batteries. It is generally understood that in order for silicon to work in batteries, nanoparticles are required, and this brings its own challenges to the production, ...

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Google submits proposal to stop searches favouring its shopping service

Google has delivered proposals to the EU over how it will stop favouring its own shopping services over rivals . Some of the rivals have asked for the proposals to be made public. Google was fined $2.9 billion by the EU in June for favouring its own service in on-line searches. Under the EU judgment, ...

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Google’s ARCore SDK enables AR app development

Google has come up with an SDK called ARCore to allow developers to make AR apps for Android smartphones. The first phones to use the tool will be the Samsung Galaxy S8 and Google’s Pixel phone. Apple says it will make an AR tool-set called ARKit available to developers in a fortnight when it launches ...

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